Micro Cinema/March, 2020 ~

It is a content that combines ordinary music with everyday images with the goal of cinematic expression, available for free on YouTube.

It was born out of a desire to create music in the context of a film that was the exact opposite of "music that merely enhances the image". I wanted to create an experience in which the music is not just the soundtrack of the film, but without which this film could not be formed, and in which the music is so closely connected to the film, so close to your heart, that it is never torn apart. In this sense, this project is a kind of resistance to the era of Stock Music.

The title "Formosa and Three Flowers" comes from a doodle that my oldest daughter drew. As I was thinking about the name of this project, my daughter brought me a picture of three flowers with the sun smiling on it, and I intuitively thought that was it. At first glance, the painting looks peaceful, but the flowers and the sun are in a place where they never intersect, the earth and the sky. My wife is Taiwanese, my two daughters are "becoming" Taiwanese, and I am Japanese and raised them in Taiwan. Meaning this is a painting about the four of us.

At the end of 2020, one of the works in the series was selected and awarded as a masterpiece at the "Beautiful Keelung" Film Festival held by the Keelung City Government in Taiwan. Local media also came to cover the event, and the award ceremony was broadcasted nationwide in Taiwan (click here for Chinese news coverage).